Who trains?
The workshops are lead by Paweł Bernaś and Paweł Olesiak who are the certified facilitators of The Samurai Game®. They are both coaches and trainers with over fifteen years experience. Apart from that they are masters and owners of the 5th dan Aikido. They have been training over twenty years. As the Aiki-management we are the only company in Poland which has a license to organize and conduct The Samurai Game® workshops.
From the left: Paweł Bernaś and Paweł Olesiak.
At the special invitation the workshops can be conducted by Lance Giroux, Managing Director of
Allied Ronin Training & Consulting™.
Lance Giroux has been authorized by George Leonard and The Leonard Trust to be the worldwide
representative of The Samurai Game®. He is graduate of US Military Academy West Point.
In order to become a certified coach of The Samurai Game® you must contact Lance Giroux. Call 1-707-769-0328 or send e-mail to: info@SamuraiGame.org for facilitator training or certification details and for current list of officially certified The SamGame® facilitators. Please complete the application form and attach as the pdf file to your e-mail request for training and certification details.